Crate nalgebra

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nalgebra is a linear algebra library written for Rust targeting:

  • General-purpose linear algebra (still lacks a lot of features…)
  • Real-time computer graphics.
  • Real-time computer physics.

Using nalgebra

You will need the last stable build of the rust compiler and the official package manager: cargo.

Simply add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

// TODO: replace the * by the latest version.
nalgebra = "*"

Most useful functionalities of nalgebra are grouped in the root module nalgebra::.

However, the recommended way to use nalgebra is to import types and traits explicitly, and call free-functions using the na:: prefix:

extern crate approx; // For the macro relative_eq!
extern crate nalgebra as na;
use na::{Vector3, Rotation3};

fn main() {
    let axis  = Vector3::x_axis();
    let angle = 1.57;
    let b     = Rotation3::from_axis_angle(&axis, angle);

    relative_eq!(b.axis().unwrap(), axis);
    relative_eq!(b.angle(), angle);


nalgebra is meant to be a general-purpose, low-dimensional, linear algebra library, with an optimized set of tools for computer graphics and physics. Those features include:

  • A single parametrizable type Matrix for vectors, (square or rectangular) matrices, and slices with dimensions known either at compile-time (using type-level integers) or at runtime.
  • Matrices and vectors with compile-time sizes are statically allocated while dynamic ones are allocated on the heap.
  • Convenient aliases for low-dimensional matrices and vectors: Vector1 to Vector6 and Matrix1x1 to Matrix6x6, including rectangular matrices like Matrix2x5.
  • Points sizes known at compile time, and convenience aliases: Point1 to Point6.
  • Translation (seen as a transformation that composes by multiplication): Translation2, Translation3.
  • Rotation matrices: Rotation2, Rotation3.
  • Quaternions: Quaternion, UnitQuaternion (for 3D rotation).
  • Unit complex numbers can be used for 2D rotation: UnitComplex.
  • Algebraic entities with a norm equal to one: Unit<T>, e.g., Unit<Vector3<f32>>.
  • Isometries (translation ⨯ rotation): Isometry2, Isometry3
  • Similarity transformations (translation ⨯ rotation ⨯ uniform scale): Similarity2, Similarity3.
  • Affine transformations stored as a homogeneous matrix: Affine2, Affine3.
  • Projective (i.e. invertible) transformations stored as a homogeneous matrix: Projective2, Projective3.
  • General transformations that does not have to be invertible, stored as a homogeneous matrix: Transform2, Transform3.
  • 3D projections for computer graphics: Perspective3, Orthographic3.
  • Matrix factorizations: Cholesky, QR, LU, FullPivLU, SVD, Schur, Hessenberg, SymmetricEigen.
  • Insertion and removal of rows of columns of a matrix.



  • [Reexported at the root of this crate.] Data structures for vector and matrix computations.
  • [Reexported at the root of this crate.] Data structures for points and usual transformations (rotations, isometries, etc.)
  • [Reexported at the root of this crate.] Factorization of real matrices.


  • Construct a dynamic matrix directly from data.
  • Construct a dynamic column vector directly from data.
  • Construct a fixed-size matrix directly from data.
  • Construct a fixed-size point directly from data.
  • Construct a fixed-size column vector directly from data.


  • A complex number in Cartesian form.


  • Trait alias for Add and AddAssign with result of type Self.
  • Trait alias for Div and DivAssign with result of type Self.
  • Trait alias for Mul and MulAssign with result of type Self.
  • Trait alias for Sub and SubAssign with result of type Self.
  • Trait shared by all complex fields and its subfields (like real numbers).
  • Trait implemented by fields, i.e., complex numbers and floats.
  • Trait shared by all reals.
  • Lane-wise generalization of bool for SIMD booleans.
  • Lane-wise generalisation of ComplexField for SIMD complex fields.
  • Lane-wise generalization of the standard PartialOrd for SIMD values.
  • Lanewise generalization of RealField for SIMD reals.
  • Base trait for every SIMD types.


  • absDeprecated
    The absolute value of a.
  • The center of two points.
  • Returns a reference to the input value clamped to the interval [min, max].
  • Converts an object from one type to an equivalent or more general one.
  • Converts an object from one type to an equivalent or more general one.
  • Use with care! Same as try_convert but without any property checks.
  • Use with care! Same as try_convert but without any property checks.
  • The distance between two points.
  • The squared distance between two points.
  • infDeprecated
    Returns the infimum of a and b.
  • inf_supDeprecated
    Returns simultaneously the infimum and supremum of a and b.
  • Indicates if try_convert will succeed without actually performing the conversion.
  • Same as cmp::max.
  • Same as cmp::min.
  • Gets the multiplicative identity element.
  • Clamp value between min and max. Returns None if value is not comparable to min or max.
  • Compare a and b using a partial ordering relation.
  • Returns true iff a and b are comparable and a >= b.
  • Returns true iff a and b are comparable and a > b.
  • Returns true iff a and b are comparable and a <= b.
  • Returns true iff a and b are comparable and a < b.
  • Return the maximum of a and b if they are comparable.
  • Return the minimum of a and b if they are comparable.
  • Sorts two values in increasing order using a partial ordering.
  • supDeprecated
    Returns the supremum of a and b.
  • Attempts to convert an object to a more specific one.
  • Attempts to convert an object to a more specific one.
  • Wraps val into the range [min, max] using modular arithmetics.
  • Gets the additive identity element.