Crate glfw

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An idiomatic wrapper for the GLFW library.


extern crate glfw;

use glfw::{Action, Context, Key};

fn main() {
   let mut glfw = glfw::init(glfw::FAIL_ON_ERRORS).unwrap();

    // Create a windowed mode window and its OpenGL context
    let (mut window, events) = glfw.create_window(300, 300, "Hello this is window", glfw::WindowMode::Windowed)
        .expect("Failed to create GLFW window.");

    // Make the window's context current

    // Loop until the user closes the window
    while !window.should_close() {
        // Swap front and back buffers

        // Poll for and process events
        for (_, event) in glfw::flush_messages(&events) {
            println!("{:?}", event);
            match event {
                glfw::WindowEvent::Key(Key::Escape, _, Action::Press, _) => {
                _ => {},

Cargo Features

Use the vulkan feature flag to enable all Vulkan functions and types.

Use the image feature flag to enable use of the image library for cursors and icons.

Use the all feature flag to enable both at the same time.


  • pub use self::MouseButton::Button1 as MouseButtonLeft;
  • pub use self::MouseButton::Button2 as MouseButtonRight;
  • pub use self::MouseButton::Button3 as MouseButtonMiddle;


  • Low-level function bindings and constants pertaining to the underlying GLFW library.


  • Represents a window cursor that can be used to display any of the standard cursors or load a custom cursor from an image.
  • Formats the type using aliases rather than the default variant names.
  • An iterator that yields until no more messages are contained in the Receiver’s queue.
  • State of a gamepad.
  • Describes the gamma ramp of a monitor.
  • A token from which to call various GLFW functions. It can be obtained by calling the init function. This cannot be sent to other tasks, and should only be initialized on the main platform thread. Whilst this might make performing some operations harder, this is to ensure thread safety is enforced statically.
  • A joystick handle.
  • Joystick hats.
  • Key modifiers (e.g., Shift, Control, Alt, Super)
  • A struct that wraps a *GLFWmonitor handle.
  • When not using the image library, or if you just want to, you can specify an image from its raw pixel data using this structure.
  • A rendering context that can be shared between tasks.
  • Describes a single video mode.
  • A struct that wraps a *GLFWwindow handle.



  • A callback that triggers a task failure when an error is encountered.
  • A callback that logs each error as it is encountered without triggering a task failure.


  • Methods common to renderable contexts


  • The function to be used with the FAIL_ON_ERRORS callback.
  • Returns an iterator that yields until no more messages are contained in the Receiver’s queue. This is useful for event handling where the blocking behaviour of Receiver::iter is undesirable.
  • Wrapper around ’glfwGetKeyName`
  • Wrapper around glfwGetKeyScancode.
  • Wrapper for glfwGetVersion.
  • Wrapper for glfwGetVersionString.
  • Initializes the GLFW library. This must be called on the main platform thread.
  • Sets hints for the next initialization of GLFW.
  • key_nameDeprecated
    Wrapper around ’glfwGetKeyName`
  • The function to be used with the LOG_ERRORS callback.
  • Wrapper for glfwMakeContextCurrent.
  • Replacement for String::from_raw_buf
  • Like string_from_c_str, but handles null pointers correctly
  • Replacement for ToCStr::with_c_str

Type Definitions

  • An error callback. This can be supplied with some user data to be passed to the callback function when it is triggered.
  • An OpenGL process address.
  • An joystick callback. This can be supplied with some user data to be passed to the callback function when it is triggered.
  • An monitor callback. This can be supplied with some user data to be passed to the callback function when it is triggered.
  • Keyboard code returned by the OS
  • A Vulkan process address
  • Unique identifier for a Window.