Struct vk_sys::DevicePointers

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pub struct DevicePointers {
Show 139 fields pub DestroyDevice: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub GetDeviceQueue: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: u32, _: *mut Queue), pub QueueSubmit: extern "system" fn(_: Queue, _: u32, _: *const SubmitInfo, _: Fence) -> Result, pub QueueWaitIdle: extern "system" fn(_: Queue) -> Result, pub DeviceWaitIdle: extern "system" fn(_: Device) -> Result, pub AllocateMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const MemoryAllocateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DeviceMemory) -> Result, pub FreeMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub MapMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: DeviceSize, _: DeviceSize, _: MemoryMapFlags, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> Result, pub UnmapMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory), pub FlushMappedMemoryRanges: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const MappedMemoryRange) -> Result, pub InvalidateMappedMemoryRanges: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const MappedMemoryRange) -> Result, pub GetDeviceMemoryCommitment: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: *mut DeviceSize), pub BindBufferMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: DeviceMemory, _: DeviceSize) -> Result, pub BindImageMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: DeviceMemory, _: DeviceSize) -> Result, pub GetBufferMemoryRequirements: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: *mut MemoryRequirements), pub GetImageMemoryRequirements: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *mut MemoryRequirements), pub GetImageSparseMemoryRequirements: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *mut u32, _: *mut SparseImageMemoryRequirements), pub QueueBindSparse: extern "system" fn(_: Queue, _: u32, _: *const BindSparseInfo, _: Fence) -> Result, pub CreateFence: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const FenceCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Fence) -> Result, pub DestroyFence: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Fence, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub ResetFences: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const Fence) -> Result, pub GetFenceStatus: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Fence) -> Result, pub WaitForFences: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const Fence, _: Bool32, _: u64) -> Result, pub CreateSemaphore: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const SemaphoreCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Semaphore) -> Result, pub DestroySemaphore: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Semaphore, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub CreateEvent: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const EventCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Event) -> Result, pub DestroyEvent: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub GetEventStatus: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result, pub SetEvent: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result, pub ResetEvent: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result, pub CreateQueryPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const QueryPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut QueryPool) -> Result, pub DestroyQueryPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: QueryPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub GetQueryPoolResults: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32, _: usize, _: *mut c_void, _: DeviceSize, _: QueryResultFlags) -> Result, pub CreateBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const BufferCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Buffer) -> Result, pub DestroyBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub CreateBufferView: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const BufferViewCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut BufferView) -> Result, pub DestroyBufferView: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: BufferView, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub CreateImage: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ImageCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Image) -> Result, pub DestroyImage: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub GetImageSubresourceLayout: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *const ImageSubresource, _: *mut SubresourceLayout), pub CreateImageView: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ImageViewCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut ImageView) -> Result, pub DestroyImageView: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: ImageView, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub CreateShaderModule: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ShaderModuleCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut ShaderModule) -> Result, pub DestroyShaderModule: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: ShaderModule, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub CreatePipelineCache: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const PipelineCacheCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut PipelineCache) -> Result, pub DestroyPipelineCache: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub GetPipelineCacheData: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: *mut usize, _: *mut c_void) -> Result, pub MergePipelineCaches: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const PipelineCache) -> Result, pub CreateGraphicsPipelines: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Pipeline) -> Result, pub CreateComputePipelines: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const ComputePipelineCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Pipeline) -> Result, pub DestroyPipeline: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Pipeline, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub CreatePipelineLayout: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const PipelineLayoutCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut PipelineLayout) -> Result, pub DestroyPipelineLayout: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineLayout, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub CreateSampler: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const SamplerCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Sampler) -> Result, pub DestroySampler: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Sampler, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub CreateDescriptorSetLayout: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DescriptorSetLayout) -> Result, pub DestroyDescriptorSetLayout: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorSetLayout, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub CreateDescriptorPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DescriptorPool) -> Result, pub DestroyDescriptorPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub ResetDescriptorPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: DescriptorPoolResetFlags) -> Result, pub AllocateDescriptorSets: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorSetAllocateInfo, _: *mut DescriptorSet) -> Result, pub FreeDescriptorSets: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: u32, _: *const DescriptorSet) -> Result, pub UpdateDescriptorSets: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const WriteDescriptorSet, _: u32, _: *const CopyDescriptorSet), pub CreateFramebuffer: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const FramebufferCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Framebuffer) -> Result, pub DestroyFramebuffer: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Framebuffer, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub CreateRenderPass: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const RenderPassCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut RenderPass) -> Result, pub DestroyRenderPass: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: RenderPass, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub GetRenderAreaGranularity: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: RenderPass, _: *mut Extent2D), pub CreateCommandPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const CommandPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut CommandPool) -> Result, pub DestroyCommandPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub ResetCommandPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: CommandPoolResetFlags) -> Result, pub TrimCommandPoolKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: CommandPoolTrimFlagsKHR), pub AllocateCommandBuffers: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const CommandBufferAllocateInfo, _: *mut CommandBuffer) -> Result, pub FreeCommandBuffers: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: u32, _: *const CommandBuffer), pub BeginCommandBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const CommandBufferBeginInfo) -> Result, pub EndCommandBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer) -> Result, pub ResetCommandBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: CommandBufferResetFlags) -> Result, pub CmdBindPipeline: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineBindPoint, _: Pipeline), pub CmdSetViewport: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Viewport), pub CmdSetScissor: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Rect2D), pub CmdSetLineWidth: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32), pub CmdSetDepthBias: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32, _: f32, _: f32), pub CmdSetBlendConstants: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: [f32; 4]), pub CmdSetDepthBounds: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32, _: f32), pub CmdSetStencilCompareMask: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32), pub CmdSetStencilWriteMask: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32), pub CmdSetStencilReference: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32), pub CmdBindDescriptorSets: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineBindPoint, _: PipelineLayout, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const DescriptorSet, _: u32, _: *const u32), pub CmdBindIndexBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: IndexType), pub CmdBindVertexBuffers: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Buffer, _: *const DeviceSize), pub CmdDraw: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32), pub CmdDrawIndexed: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32, _: i32, _: u32), pub CmdDrawIndirect: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: u32, _: u32), pub CmdDrawIndexedIndirect: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: u32, _: u32), pub CmdDispatch: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32), pub CmdDispatchIndirect: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize), pub CmdCopyBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: Buffer, _: u32, _: *const BufferCopy), pub CmdCopyImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageCopy), pub CmdBlitImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageBlit, _: Filter), pub CmdCopyBufferToImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const BufferImageCopy), pub CmdCopyImageToBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Buffer, _: u32, _: *const BufferImageCopy), pub CmdUpdateBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: DeviceSize, _: *const u32), pub CmdFillBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: DeviceSize, _: u32), pub CmdClearColorImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: *const ClearColorValue, _: u32, _: *const ImageSubresourceRange), pub CmdClearDepthStencilImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: *const ClearDepthStencilValue, _: u32, _: *const ImageSubresourceRange), pub CmdClearAttachments: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const ClearAttachment, _: u32, _: *const ClearRect), pub CmdResolveImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageResolve), pub CmdSetEvent: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Event, _: PipelineStageFlags), pub CmdResetEvent: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Event, _: PipelineStageFlags), pub CmdWaitEvents: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const Event, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: u32, _: *const MemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const BufferMemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const ImageMemoryBarrier), pub CmdPipelineBarrier: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: DependencyFlags, _: u32, _: *const MemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const BufferMemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const ImageMemoryBarrier), pub CmdBeginQuery: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: QueryControlFlags), pub CmdEndQuery: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32), pub CmdResetQueryPool: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32), pub CmdWriteTimestamp: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineStageFlagBits, _: QueryPool, _: u32), pub CmdCopyQueryPoolResults: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: DeviceSize, _: QueryResultFlags), pub CmdPushConstants: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineLayout, _: ShaderStageFlags, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const c_void), pub CmdBeginRenderPass: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const RenderPassBeginInfo, _: SubpassContents), pub CmdNextSubpass: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: SubpassContents), pub CmdEndRenderPass: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer), pub CmdExecuteCommands: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const CommandBuffer), pub CreateSwapchainKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut SwapchainKHR) -> Result, pub DestroySwapchainKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: SwapchainKHR, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub GetSwapchainImagesKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: SwapchainKHR, _: *mut u32, _: *mut Image) -> Result, pub AcquireNextImageKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: SwapchainKHR, _: u64, _: Semaphore, _: Fence, _: *mut u32) -> Result, pub QueuePresentKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Queue, _: *const PresentInfoKHR) -> Result, pub CreateSharedSwapchainsKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut SwapchainKHR) -> Result, pub CmdPushDescriptorSetKHR: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineBindPoint, _: PipelineLayout, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const WriteDescriptorSet), pub CreateDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfoKHR, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) -> Result, pub DestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub UpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorSet, _: DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR, _: *const c_void), pub CmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR, _: PipelineLayout, _: u32, _: *const c_void), pub GetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR, _: *mut MemoryRequirements2KHR), pub GetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const BufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR, _: *mut MemoryRequirements2KHR), pub DebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT) -> Result, pub DebugMarkerSetObjectTagEXT: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT) -> Result, pub CmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT), pub CmdDebugMarkerEndEXT: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer), pub CmdDebugMarkerInsertEXT: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT),


§DestroyDevice: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§GetDeviceQueue: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: u32, _: *mut Queue)§QueueSubmit: extern "system" fn(_: Queue, _: u32, _: *const SubmitInfo, _: Fence) -> Result§QueueWaitIdle: extern "system" fn(_: Queue) -> Result§DeviceWaitIdle: extern "system" fn(_: Device) -> Result§AllocateMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const MemoryAllocateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DeviceMemory) -> Result§FreeMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§MapMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: DeviceSize, _: DeviceSize, _: MemoryMapFlags, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> Result§UnmapMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory)§FlushMappedMemoryRanges: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const MappedMemoryRange) -> Result§InvalidateMappedMemoryRanges: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const MappedMemoryRange) -> Result§GetDeviceMemoryCommitment: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: *mut DeviceSize)§BindBufferMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: DeviceMemory, _: DeviceSize) -> Result§BindImageMemory: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: DeviceMemory, _: DeviceSize) -> Result§GetBufferMemoryRequirements: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: *mut MemoryRequirements)§GetImageMemoryRequirements: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *mut MemoryRequirements)§GetImageSparseMemoryRequirements: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *mut u32, _: *mut SparseImageMemoryRequirements)§QueueBindSparse: extern "system" fn(_: Queue, _: u32, _: *const BindSparseInfo, _: Fence) -> Result§CreateFence: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const FenceCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Fence) -> Result§DestroyFence: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Fence, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§ResetFences: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const Fence) -> Result§GetFenceStatus: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Fence) -> Result§WaitForFences: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const Fence, _: Bool32, _: u64) -> Result§CreateSemaphore: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const SemaphoreCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Semaphore) -> Result§DestroySemaphore: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Semaphore, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§CreateEvent: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const EventCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Event) -> Result§DestroyEvent: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§GetEventStatus: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result§SetEvent: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result§ResetEvent: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result§CreateQueryPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const QueryPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut QueryPool) -> Result§DestroyQueryPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: QueryPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§GetQueryPoolResults: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32, _: usize, _: *mut c_void, _: DeviceSize, _: QueryResultFlags) -> Result§CreateBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const BufferCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Buffer) -> Result§DestroyBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§CreateBufferView: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const BufferViewCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut BufferView) -> Result§DestroyBufferView: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: BufferView, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§CreateImage: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ImageCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Image) -> Result§DestroyImage: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§GetImageSubresourceLayout: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *const ImageSubresource, _: *mut SubresourceLayout)§CreateImageView: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ImageViewCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut ImageView) -> Result§DestroyImageView: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: ImageView, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§CreateShaderModule: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ShaderModuleCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut ShaderModule) -> Result§DestroyShaderModule: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: ShaderModule, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§CreatePipelineCache: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const PipelineCacheCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut PipelineCache) -> Result§DestroyPipelineCache: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§GetPipelineCacheData: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: *mut usize, _: *mut c_void) -> Result§MergePipelineCaches: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const PipelineCache) -> Result§CreateGraphicsPipelines: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Pipeline) -> Result§CreateComputePipelines: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const ComputePipelineCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Pipeline) -> Result§DestroyPipeline: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Pipeline, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§CreatePipelineLayout: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const PipelineLayoutCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut PipelineLayout) -> Result§DestroyPipelineLayout: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineLayout, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§CreateSampler: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const SamplerCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Sampler) -> Result§DestroySampler: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Sampler, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§CreateDescriptorSetLayout: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DescriptorSetLayout) -> Result§DestroyDescriptorSetLayout: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorSetLayout, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§CreateDescriptorPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DescriptorPool) -> Result§DestroyDescriptorPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§ResetDescriptorPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: DescriptorPoolResetFlags) -> Result§AllocateDescriptorSets: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorSetAllocateInfo, _: *mut DescriptorSet) -> Result§FreeDescriptorSets: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: u32, _: *const DescriptorSet) -> Result§UpdateDescriptorSets: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const WriteDescriptorSet, _: u32, _: *const CopyDescriptorSet)§CreateFramebuffer: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const FramebufferCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Framebuffer) -> Result§DestroyFramebuffer: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Framebuffer, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§CreateRenderPass: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const RenderPassCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut RenderPass) -> Result§DestroyRenderPass: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: RenderPass, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§GetRenderAreaGranularity: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: RenderPass, _: *mut Extent2D)§CreateCommandPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const CommandPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut CommandPool) -> Result§DestroyCommandPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§ResetCommandPool: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: CommandPoolResetFlags) -> Result§TrimCommandPoolKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: CommandPoolTrimFlagsKHR)§AllocateCommandBuffers: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const CommandBufferAllocateInfo, _: *mut CommandBuffer) -> Result§FreeCommandBuffers: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: u32, _: *const CommandBuffer)§BeginCommandBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const CommandBufferBeginInfo) -> Result§EndCommandBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer) -> Result§ResetCommandBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: CommandBufferResetFlags) -> Result§CmdBindPipeline: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineBindPoint, _: Pipeline)§CmdSetViewport: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Viewport)§CmdSetScissor: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Rect2D)§CmdSetLineWidth: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32)§CmdSetDepthBias: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32, _: f32, _: f32)§CmdSetBlendConstants: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: [f32; 4])§CmdSetDepthBounds: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32, _: f32)§CmdSetStencilCompareMask: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32)§CmdSetStencilWriteMask: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32)§CmdSetStencilReference: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32)§CmdBindDescriptorSets: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineBindPoint, _: PipelineLayout, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const DescriptorSet, _: u32, _: *const u32)§CmdBindIndexBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: IndexType)§CmdBindVertexBuffers: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Buffer, _: *const DeviceSize)§CmdDraw: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32)§CmdDrawIndexed: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32, _: i32, _: u32)§CmdDrawIndirect: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: u32, _: u32)§CmdDrawIndexedIndirect: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: u32, _: u32)§CmdDispatch: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32)§CmdDispatchIndirect: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize)§CmdCopyBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: Buffer, _: u32, _: *const BufferCopy)§CmdCopyImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageCopy)§CmdBlitImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageBlit, _: Filter)§CmdCopyBufferToImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const BufferImageCopy)§CmdCopyImageToBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Buffer, _: u32, _: *const BufferImageCopy)§CmdUpdateBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: DeviceSize, _: *const u32)§CmdFillBuffer: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: DeviceSize, _: u32)§CmdClearColorImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: *const ClearColorValue, _: u32, _: *const ImageSubresourceRange)§CmdClearDepthStencilImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: *const ClearDepthStencilValue, _: u32, _: *const ImageSubresourceRange)§CmdClearAttachments: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const ClearAttachment, _: u32, _: *const ClearRect)§CmdResolveImage: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageResolve)§CmdSetEvent: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Event, _: PipelineStageFlags)§CmdResetEvent: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Event, _: PipelineStageFlags)§CmdWaitEvents: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const Event, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: u32, _: *const MemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const BufferMemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const ImageMemoryBarrier)§CmdPipelineBarrier: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: DependencyFlags, _: u32, _: *const MemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const BufferMemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const ImageMemoryBarrier)§CmdBeginQuery: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: QueryControlFlags)§CmdEndQuery: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32)§CmdResetQueryPool: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32)§CmdWriteTimestamp: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineStageFlagBits, _: QueryPool, _: u32)§CmdCopyQueryPoolResults: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32, _: Buffer, _: DeviceSize, _: DeviceSize, _: QueryResultFlags)§CmdPushConstants: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineLayout, _: ShaderStageFlags, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const c_void)§CmdBeginRenderPass: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const RenderPassBeginInfo, _: SubpassContents)§CmdNextSubpass: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: SubpassContents)§CmdEndRenderPass: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer)§CmdExecuteCommands: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const CommandBuffer)§CreateSwapchainKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut SwapchainKHR) -> Result§DestroySwapchainKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: SwapchainKHR, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§GetSwapchainImagesKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: SwapchainKHR, _: *mut u32, _: *mut Image) -> Result§AcquireNextImageKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: SwapchainKHR, _: u64, _: Semaphore, _: Fence, _: *mut u32) -> Result§QueuePresentKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Queue, _: *const PresentInfoKHR) -> Result§CreateSharedSwapchainsKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut SwapchainKHR) -> Result§CmdPushDescriptorSetKHR: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineBindPoint, _: PipelineLayout, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const WriteDescriptorSet)§CreateDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfoKHR, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) -> Result§DestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§UpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorSet, _: DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR, _: *const c_void)§CmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR, _: PipelineLayout, _: u32, _: *const c_void)§GetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR, _: *mut MemoryRequirements2KHR)§GetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const BufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR, _: *mut MemoryRequirements2KHR)§DebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT) -> Result§DebugMarkerSetObjectTagEXT: extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT) -> Result§CmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT)§CmdDebugMarkerEndEXT: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer)§CmdDebugMarkerInsertEXT: extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT)



impl DevicePointers


pub fn load<F>(f: F) -> DevicePointerswhere F: FnMut(&CStr) -> *const c_void,


pub unsafe fn DestroyDevice( &self, device: Device, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn GetDeviceQueue( &self, device: Device, queueFamilyIndex: u32, queueIndex: u32, pQueue: *mut Queue )


pub unsafe fn QueueSubmit( &self, queue: Queue, submitCount: u32, pSubmits: *const SubmitInfo, fence: Fence ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn QueueWaitIdle(&self, queue: Queue) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DeviceWaitIdle(&self, device: Device) -> Result


pub unsafe fn AllocateMemory( &self, device: Device, pAllocateInfo: *const MemoryAllocateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pMemory: *mut DeviceMemory ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn FreeMemory( &self, device: Device, memory: DeviceMemory, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn MapMemory( &self, device: Device, memory: DeviceMemory, offset: DeviceSize, size: DeviceSize, flags: MemoryMapFlags, ppData: *mut *mut c_void ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn UnmapMemory(&self, device: Device, memory: DeviceMemory)


pub unsafe fn FlushMappedMemoryRanges( &self, device: Device, memoryRangeCount: u32, pMemoryRanges: *const MappedMemoryRange ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn InvalidateMappedMemoryRanges( &self, device: Device, memoryRangeCount: u32, pMemoryRanges: *const MappedMemoryRange ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn GetDeviceMemoryCommitment( &self, device: Device, memory: DeviceMemory, pCommittedMemoryInBytes: *mut DeviceSize )


pub unsafe fn BindBufferMemory( &self, device: Device, buffer: Buffer, memory: DeviceMemory, memoryOffset: DeviceSize ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn BindImageMemory( &self, device: Device, image: Image, memory: DeviceMemory, memoryOffset: DeviceSize ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn GetBufferMemoryRequirements( &self, device: Device, buffer: Buffer, pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements )


pub unsafe fn GetImageMemoryRequirements( &self, device: Device, image: Image, pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements )


pub unsafe fn GetImageSparseMemoryRequirements( &self, device: Device, image: Image, pSparseMemoryRequirementCount: *mut u32, pSparseMemoryRequirements: *mut SparseImageMemoryRequirements )


pub unsafe fn QueueBindSparse( &self, queue: Queue, bindInfoCount: u32, pBindInfo: *const BindSparseInfo, fence: Fence ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn CreateFence( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const FenceCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pFence: *mut Fence ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyFence( &self, device: Device, fence: Fence, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn ResetFences( &self, device: Device, fenceCount: u32, pFences: *const Fence ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn GetFenceStatus(&self, device: Device, fence: Fence) -> Result


pub unsafe fn WaitForFences( &self, device: Device, fenceCount: u32, pFences: *const Fence, waitAll: Bool32, timeout: u64 ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn CreateSemaphore( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const SemaphoreCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pSemaphore: *mut Semaphore ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroySemaphore( &self, device: Device, semaphore: Semaphore, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn CreateEvent( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const EventCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pEvent: *mut Event ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyEvent( &self, device: Device, event: Event, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn GetEventStatus(&self, device: Device, event: Event) -> Result


pub unsafe fn SetEvent(&self, device: Device, event: Event) -> Result


pub unsafe fn ResetEvent(&self, device: Device, event: Event) -> Result


pub unsafe fn CreateQueryPool( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const QueryPoolCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pQueryPool: *mut QueryPool ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyQueryPool( &self, device: Device, queryPool: QueryPool, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn GetQueryPoolResults( &self, device: Device, queryPool: QueryPool, firstQuery: u32, queryCount: u32, dataSize: usize, pData: *mut c_void, stride: DeviceSize, flags: QueryResultFlags ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn CreateBuffer( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const BufferCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pBuffer: *mut Buffer ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyBuffer( &self, device: Device, buffer: Buffer, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn CreateBufferView( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const BufferViewCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pView: *mut BufferView ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyBufferView( &self, device: Device, bufferView: BufferView, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn CreateImage( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const ImageCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pImage: *mut Image ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyImage( &self, device: Device, image: Image, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn GetImageSubresourceLayout( &self, device: Device, image: Image, pSubresource: *const ImageSubresource, pLayout: *mut SubresourceLayout )


pub unsafe fn CreateImageView( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const ImageViewCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pView: *mut ImageView ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyImageView( &self, device: Device, imageView: ImageView, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn CreateShaderModule( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const ShaderModuleCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pShaderModule: *mut ShaderModule ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyShaderModule( &self, device: Device, shaderModule: ShaderModule, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn CreatePipelineCache( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const PipelineCacheCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pPipelineCache: *mut PipelineCache ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyPipelineCache( &self, device: Device, pipelineCache: PipelineCache, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn GetPipelineCacheData( &self, device: Device, pipelineCache: PipelineCache, pDataSize: *mut usize, pData: *mut c_void ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn MergePipelineCaches( &self, device: Device, dstCache: PipelineCache, srcCacheCount: u32, pSrcCaches: *const PipelineCache ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn CreateGraphicsPipelines( &self, device: Device, pipelineCache: PipelineCache, createInfoCount: u32, pCreateInfos: *const GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pPipelines: *mut Pipeline ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn CreateComputePipelines( &self, device: Device, pipelineCache: PipelineCache, createInfoCount: u32, pCreateInfos: *const ComputePipelineCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pPipelines: *mut Pipeline ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyPipeline( &self, device: Device, pipeline: Pipeline, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn CreatePipelineLayout( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const PipelineLayoutCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pPipelineLayout: *mut PipelineLayout ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyPipelineLayout( &self, device: Device, pipelineLayout: PipelineLayout, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn CreateSampler( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const SamplerCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pSampler: *mut Sampler ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroySampler( &self, device: Device, sampler: Sampler, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn CreateDescriptorSetLayout( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pSetLayout: *mut DescriptorSetLayout ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyDescriptorSetLayout( &self, device: Device, descriptorSetLayout: DescriptorSetLayout, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn CreateDescriptorPool( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const DescriptorPoolCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pDescriptorPool: *mut DescriptorPool ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyDescriptorPool( &self, device: Device, descriptorPool: DescriptorPool, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn ResetDescriptorPool( &self, device: Device, descriptorPool: DescriptorPool, flags: DescriptorPoolResetFlags ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn AllocateDescriptorSets( &self, device: Device, pAllocateInfo: *const DescriptorSetAllocateInfo, pDescriptorSets: *mut DescriptorSet ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn FreeDescriptorSets( &self, device: Device, descriptorPool: DescriptorPool, descriptorSetCount: u32, pDescriptorSets: *const DescriptorSet ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn UpdateDescriptorSets( &self, device: Device, descriptorWriteCount: u32, pDescriptorWrites: *const WriteDescriptorSet, descriptorCopyCount: u32, pDescriptorCopies: *const CopyDescriptorSet )


pub unsafe fn CreateFramebuffer( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const FramebufferCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pFramebuffer: *mut Framebuffer ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyFramebuffer( &self, device: Device, framebuffer: Framebuffer, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn CreateRenderPass( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const RenderPassCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pRenderPass: *mut RenderPass ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyRenderPass( &self, device: Device, renderPass: RenderPass, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn GetRenderAreaGranularity( &self, device: Device, renderPass: RenderPass, pGranularity: *mut Extent2D )


pub unsafe fn CreateCommandPool( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const CommandPoolCreateInfo, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pCommandPool: *mut CommandPool ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyCommandPool( &self, device: Device, commandPool: CommandPool, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn ResetCommandPool( &self, device: Device, commandPool: CommandPool, flags: CommandPoolResetFlags ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn TrimCommandPoolKHR( &self, device: Device, commandPool: CommandPool, flags: CommandPoolTrimFlagsKHR )


pub unsafe fn AllocateCommandBuffers( &self, device: Device, pAllocateInfo: *const CommandBufferAllocateInfo, pCommandBuffers: *mut CommandBuffer ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn FreeCommandBuffers( &self, device: Device, commandPool: CommandPool, commandBufferCount: u32, pCommandBuffers: *const CommandBuffer )


pub unsafe fn BeginCommandBuffer( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, pBeginInfo: *const CommandBufferBeginInfo ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn EndCommandBuffer(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer) -> Result


pub unsafe fn ResetCommandBuffer( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, flags: CommandBufferResetFlags ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn CmdBindPipeline( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: PipelineBindPoint, pipeline: Pipeline )


pub unsafe fn CmdSetViewport( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, firstViewport: u32, viewportCount: u32, pViewports: *const Viewport )


pub unsafe fn CmdSetScissor( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, firstScissor: u32, scissorCount: u32, pScissors: *const Rect2D )


pub unsafe fn CmdSetLineWidth(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, lineWidth: f32)


pub unsafe fn CmdSetDepthBias( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, depthBiasConstantFactor: f32, depthBiasClamp: f32, depthBiasSlopeFactor: f32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdSetBlendConstants( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, blendConstants: [f32; 4] )


pub unsafe fn CmdSetDepthBounds( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, minDepthBounds: f32, maxDepthBounds: f32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdSetStencilCompareMask( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, faceMask: StencilFaceFlags, compareMask: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdSetStencilWriteMask( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, faceMask: StencilFaceFlags, writeMask: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdSetStencilReference( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, faceMask: StencilFaceFlags, reference: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdBindDescriptorSets( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: PipelineBindPoint, layout: PipelineLayout, firstSet: u32, descriptorSetCount: u32, pDescriptorSets: *const DescriptorSet, dynamicOffsetCount: u32, pDynamicOffsets: *const u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdBindIndexBuffer( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, buffer: Buffer, offset: DeviceSize, indexType: IndexType )


pub unsafe fn CmdBindVertexBuffers( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, firstBinding: u32, bindingCount: u32, pBuffers: *const Buffer, pOffsets: *const DeviceSize )


pub unsafe fn CmdDraw( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, vertexCount: u32, instanceCount: u32, firstVertex: u32, firstInstance: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdDrawIndexed( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, indexCount: u32, instanceCount: u32, firstIndex: u32, vertexOffset: i32, firstInstance: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdDrawIndirect( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, buffer: Buffer, offset: DeviceSize, drawCount: u32, stride: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdDrawIndexedIndirect( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, buffer: Buffer, offset: DeviceSize, drawCount: u32, stride: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdDispatch( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, x: u32, y: u32, z: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdDispatchIndirect( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, buffer: Buffer, offset: DeviceSize )


pub unsafe fn CmdCopyBuffer( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, srcBuffer: Buffer, dstBuffer: Buffer, regionCount: u32, pRegions: *const BufferCopy )


pub unsafe fn CmdCopyImage( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, srcImage: Image, srcImageLayout: ImageLayout, dstImage: Image, dstImageLayout: ImageLayout, regionCount: u32, pRegions: *const ImageCopy )


pub unsafe fn CmdBlitImage( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, srcImage: Image, srcImageLayout: ImageLayout, dstImage: Image, dstImageLayout: ImageLayout, regionCount: u32, pRegions: *const ImageBlit, filter: Filter )


pub unsafe fn CmdCopyBufferToImage( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, srcBuffer: Buffer, dstImage: Image, dstImageLayout: ImageLayout, regionCount: u32, pRegions: *const BufferImageCopy )


pub unsafe fn CmdCopyImageToBuffer( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, srcImage: Image, srcImageLayout: ImageLayout, dstBuffer: Buffer, regionCount: u32, pRegions: *const BufferImageCopy )


pub unsafe fn CmdUpdateBuffer( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, dstBuffer: Buffer, dstOffset: DeviceSize, dataSize: DeviceSize, pData: *const u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdFillBuffer( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, dstBuffer: Buffer, dstOffset: DeviceSize, size: DeviceSize, data: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdClearColorImage( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, image: Image, imageLayout: ImageLayout, pColor: *const ClearColorValue, rangeCount: u32, pRanges: *const ImageSubresourceRange )


pub unsafe fn CmdClearDepthStencilImage( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, image: Image, imageLayout: ImageLayout, pDepthStencil: *const ClearDepthStencilValue, rangeCount: u32, pRanges: *const ImageSubresourceRange )


pub unsafe fn CmdClearAttachments( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, attachmentCount: u32, pAttachments: *const ClearAttachment, rectCount: u32, pRects: *const ClearRect )


pub unsafe fn CmdResolveImage( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, srcImage: Image, srcImageLayout: ImageLayout, dstImage: Image, dstImageLayout: ImageLayout, regionCount: u32, pRegions: *const ImageResolve )


pub unsafe fn CmdSetEvent( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, event: Event, stageMask: PipelineStageFlags )


pub unsafe fn CmdResetEvent( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, event: Event, stageMask: PipelineStageFlags )


pub unsafe fn CmdWaitEvents( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, eventCount: u32, pEvents: *const Event, srcStageMask: PipelineStageFlags, dstStageMask: PipelineStageFlags, memoryBarrierCount: u32, pMemoryBarriers: *const MemoryBarrier, bufferMemoryBarrierCount: u32, pBufferMemoryBarriers: *const BufferMemoryBarrier, imageMemoryBarrierCount: u32, pImageMemoryBarriers: *const ImageMemoryBarrier )


pub unsafe fn CmdPipelineBarrier( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, srcStageMask: PipelineStageFlags, dstStageMask: PipelineStageFlags, dependencyFlags: DependencyFlags, memoryBarrierCount: u32, pMemoryBarriers: *const MemoryBarrier, bufferMemoryBarrierCount: u32, pBufferMemoryBarriers: *const BufferMemoryBarrier, imageMemoryBarrierCount: u32, pImageMemoryBarriers: *const ImageMemoryBarrier )


pub unsafe fn CmdBeginQuery( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, queryPool: QueryPool, query: u32, flags: QueryControlFlags )


pub unsafe fn CmdEndQuery( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, queryPool: QueryPool, query: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdResetQueryPool( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, queryPool: QueryPool, firstQuery: u32, queryCount: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdWriteTimestamp( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, pipelineStage: PipelineStageFlagBits, queryPool: QueryPool, query: u32 )


pub unsafe fn CmdCopyQueryPoolResults( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, queryPool: QueryPool, firstQuery: u32, queryCount: u32, dstBuffer: Buffer, dstOffset: DeviceSize, stride: DeviceSize, flags: QueryResultFlags )


pub unsafe fn CmdPushConstants( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, layout: PipelineLayout, stageFlags: ShaderStageFlags, offset: u32, size: u32, pValues: *const c_void )


pub unsafe fn CmdBeginRenderPass( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, pRenderPassBegin: *const RenderPassBeginInfo, contents: SubpassContents )


pub unsafe fn CmdNextSubpass( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, contents: SubpassContents )


pub unsafe fn CmdEndRenderPass(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer)


pub unsafe fn CmdExecuteCommands( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, commandBufferCount: u32, pCommandBuffers: *const CommandBuffer )


pub unsafe fn CreateSwapchainKHR( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pSwapchain: *mut SwapchainKHR ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroySwapchainKHR( &self, device: Device, swapchain: SwapchainKHR, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn GetSwapchainImagesKHR( &self, device: Device, swapchain: SwapchainKHR, pSwapchainImageCount: *mut u32, pSwapchainImages: *mut Image ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn AcquireNextImageKHR( &self, device: Device, swapchain: SwapchainKHR, timeout: u64, semaphore: Semaphore, fence: Fence, pImageIndex: *mut u32 ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn QueuePresentKHR( &self, queue: Queue, pPresentInfo: *const PresentInfoKHR ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn CreateSharedSwapchainsKHR( &self, device: Device, swapchainCount: u32, pCreateInfos: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pSwapchains: *mut SwapchainKHR ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn CmdPushDescriptorSetKHR( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, pipelineBindPoint: PipelineBindPoint, layout: PipelineLayout, set: u32, descriptorWriteCount: u32, pDescriptorWrites: *const WriteDescriptorSet )


pub unsafe fn CreateDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR( &self, device: Device, pCreateInfo: *const DescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfoKHR, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks, pDescriptorUpdateTemplate: *mut DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR( &self, device: Device, descriptorUpdateTemplate: DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks )


pub unsafe fn UpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR( &self, device: Device, descriptorSet: DescriptorSet, descriptorUpdateTemplate: DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR, pData: *const c_void )


pub unsafe fn CmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, descriptorUpdateTemplate: DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR, layout: PipelineLayout, set: u32, pData: *const c_void )


pub unsafe fn GetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR( &self, device: Device, pInfo: *const ImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR, pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements2KHR )


pub unsafe fn GetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR( &self, device: Device, pInfo: *const BufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR, pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements2KHR )


pub unsafe fn DebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT( &self, device: Device, pNameInfo: *const DebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn DebugMarkerSetObjectTagEXT( &self, device: Device, pTagInfo: *const DebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT ) -> Result


pub unsafe fn CmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, pMarkerInfo: *const DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT )


pub unsafe fn CmdDebugMarkerEndEXT(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer)


pub unsafe fn CmdDebugMarkerInsertEXT( &self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, pMarkerInfo: *const DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT )

Trait Implementations§


impl Debug for DevicePointers


fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Send for DevicePointers


impl Sync for DevicePointers

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for Twhere T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,

const: unstable · source§

fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,

const: unstable · source§

fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T

const: unstable · source§

fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for Twhere U: From<T>,

const: unstable · source§

fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for Twhere U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
const: unstable · source§

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for Twhere U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
const: unstable · source§

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.