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//! Provides structures for running a stateful single-window GLFW application.
use {anyhow::Result, glfw::WindowEvent};
mod glfw_window;
mod logging;
pub use self::glfw_window::GlfwWindow;
/// Application state can be any type which implements the State trait.
/// State is created after the GLFW window is created, but is allowed to
/// configure the window for things like resizability and event polling.
pub trait State {
/// Create a new instance of this state.
/// # Params
/// * `window` - A fully constructed application window. The implementation
/// can use this handle to resize the window, apply GLFW window hints,
/// toggle fullscren, and construct a Vulkan instance which can present
/// surfaces to the window.
fn new(window: &mut GlfwWindow) -> Result<Self>
Self: Sized;
/// Handle a GLFW event and update the application state.
/// # Params
/// * `window` - The fully constructed application window. The application
/// can exit by calling `set_should_close` on the window.
/// * `window_event` - The event currently being processed by the window.
fn handle_event(
&mut self,
_window: &mut GlfwWindow,
_window_event: glfw::WindowEvent,
) -> Result<()> {
/// Called each time through the main application loop after all events
/// have been processed.
/// Update is not called while an application is paused while minimized.
/// # Params
/// * `window` - The fully constructed application window. The application
/// can exit by calling `set_should_close` on the window.
fn update(&mut self, _window: &mut GlfwWindow) -> Result<()> {
/// Every application is comprised of a State type and a GLFW window.
/// Applications automatically pause if they are minimized or the window is
/// resized such that there is no drawing area.
pub struct Application<S: State> {
state: S,
paused: bool,
window: GlfwWindow,
// Public API
impl<S> Application<S>
S: Sized + State,
/// Create and run the Application until the window is closed.
/// The window title is just the Application state struct's type name.
pub fn run() -> Result<()> {
let window_title = std::any::type_name::<S>();
// Private API
impl<S> Application<S>
S: Sized + State,
/// Create a new running application.
fn new(window_title: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<Self> {
let mut window = GlfwWindow::new(window_title)?;
// Framebuffer polling is required for detecting when the app should be
// paused.
Ok(Self {
state: S::new(&mut window)?,
paused: false,
/// Run the application until until the window is closed.
fn main_loop(mut self) -> Result<()> {
let event_receiver = self.window.event_receiver.take().unwrap();
while !self.window.should_close() {
for (_, window_event) in glfw::flush_messages(&event_receiver) {
if !self.paused {
self.state.update(&mut self.window)?;
/// Handle a GLFW window event.
fn handle_event(&mut self, window_event: WindowEvent) -> Result<()> {
match window_event {
WindowEvent::Close => {
WindowEvent::FramebufferSize(width, height) => {
self.paused = width == 0 || height == 0;
_ => (),
self.state.handle_event(&mut self.window, window_event)